Primary Classroom News

Prep A

This year has flown by and the little preps are not so little any more. They have grown in confidence and skill and are all ready for new adventures in Grade One.

Over the past couple of weeks the children have been writing and ‘publishing’ fairy tales. It has been very exciting to see their amazing work and I know that they will love sharing their tales at home. Please enjoy Catherine’s tale about Princess Lilly and Laayan’s story about a fairy.

Thank you to my preps for working so hard and learning so much. Thank you also to all the parents for being so supportive. Have a safe and fun holiday!

Ms Temple

Prep A
Prep A
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Prep B

Wow, another year has passed, and another successful year of learning. Congratulations Prep B, you have transformed from shy and quiet little people into lively and confident students. You have achieved so much since the start of the year and I would like to say I am super proud of you all!

As a final reminder of Prep B’s talents, they have been working super hard to illustrate and write their very own fairy-tale. The Preps had a chance to read their story to the students in Grade 3A. Some were confident, some were nervous but at the end of it, they were all very proud for reading their own story to students, as was I! I am sure the Preps are very excited to share their story with their family and friends at home.

I would like to say thank you to all the parents who were supportive and cooperative throughout the year. Thankyou to my Preps for working very hard throughout the year! I wish you all a safe and happy holidays!

Ms Ali